lcnetdev / bibframe2marc

XSLT application to generate MARCXML from BIBFRAME RDF/XML
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OCLC numbers for 7xx processing #13

Open kirkhess opened 1 year ago

kirkhess commented 1 year ago

The 7xx fields should process OCLC control numbers w/ bf:Local identifiers into the subfield $w like LCCNs not in the $o which is for actual local identifiers.

The way it seems to work now is they only process correctly if they are bf:Identifiers w/o a subclass, and that have an agent with a bf:code and no uri.



Aka the 777 produced by this exemplar shape:


But if you go to the instance in id ( it has this shape:

    <rdf:value>ocm02256995 </rdf:value>
      <bf:Agent rdf:about=""/>

If you are 'getting' bf for processing linking fields, you would probably use the 2nd form so the logic should know about processing this shape as well: prefix (OCoLC) concatenated with the rdf:value, formatted as a number so no leading letters and no leading zeros.