lcnetdev / marc2bibframe2

Convert MARC records to BIBFRAME2 RDF
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Provide ant build.xml #19

Closed danizen closed 5 years ago

danizen commented 7 years ago

This pull request contains an ant build.xml file that supports a number of targets. The expected use of this is to run the following to download xspec 0.5.0 from github and saxon and set them up:

ant setup

Then, run the following to run the xspec tests and zip up the XSL files for marc2bibframe2

ant build

The version to release can be changed on the command-line as follows:

ant build -Dbuild.version=0.2.0

This depends only on ant itself - no ivy or ant contrib needed.

danizen commented 7 years ago

So, there are a couple of enhancements that may be worth making to this, but it is ready to discuss. The enhancements worth discussing are:

danizen commented 7 years ago

I have tested this ant test with travis using the folliwing .travis.yml but I have not modified that file for this pull:

language: java
    - oraclejdk8
    - ant setup
    - ant test

Oracle JDK8 is needed due to the version of Saxon.

wafschneider commented 5 years ago

At this point I don't believe this is necessary. We can reopen if needed.