lcodecorex / TwinklingRefreshLayout

RefreshLayout that support for OverScroll and better than iOS. 支持下拉刷新和上拉加载的RefreshLayout,自带越界回弹效果,支持RecyclerView,AbsListView,ScrollView,WebView
Apache License 2.0
3.99k stars 671 forks source link

1.0.7版本 我自定义headview 在下拉刷新的时候 会抖动 1.0.4不会有这个问题 #180

Open XuEnhao opened 6 years ago

XuEnhao commented 6 years ago

有视频 但是不知道如何上传

goldze commented 4 years ago

对, 下拉刷新结束后, 列表抖动问题怎么解决?

XuEnhao commented 4 years ago
