lcolladotor / biocthis

Automate package and project setup for Bioconductor packages
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[BUG] Can't compile source packages on Windows with devel bioc-check #54

Open nekramer opened 5 months ago

nekramer commented 5 months ago


Thank you so much for your work on an incredibly useful package. As a Bioconductor package maintainer, biocthis really helps me carry out checks on my package.

I have been having an issue when I use a bioc-check workflow on my package with the devel versions of R and Bioconductor created with use_bioc_github_action(biocdocker = "devel"). Everything works fine on macOS and Linux, but the Windows workflow fails when installing the dependencies for my package. Because this is devel, I get the message that the following packages are only available in source form and may need compilation:

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 11 47 20 AM

Everything seems to download fine, and even some packages compile and install properly, including: zlibbioc, S4Vectors, BiocParallel, Rhtslib, XVector, S4Arrays, Biostrings, GenomicRanges, DelayedArray, Rsamtools, GenomicAlignments, InteractionSet, and AnnotationHub. However, once the workflow gets to rtracklayer, compilation fails:

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 11 54 36 AM

This then prevents other packages with a dependency on rtracklayer to fail, and the workflow exits and cannot go on to check my package.

I am not sure if this is an rtracklayer issue or a compiler issue, but any guidance on how to try to get these dependency installs working in this workflow would be very much appreciated.

Here I have attached the full logs from the Windows action run as well as the Linux and macOS for reference. 0_ubuntu-latest (devel).txt 1_macOS-latest (devel).txt 2_windows-latest (devel).txt Please let me know if there is any other helpful information I can provide to work through this.

Thank you so much!

Best, Nicole