lcompilers / lpython

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Autodiff support [feature request] #2254

Open adam-urbanczyk opened 11 months ago

adam-urbanczyk commented 11 months ago

It would be great if lpython (lfortran too BTW) supported automatic differentiation. Ideally on the intermediate level, if not possible, for specific backends, e.g

certik commented 11 months ago

Yes, this has been requested many times: (and the original issue

I am not focusing on it right now, first we need to get to beta, but if others are interested, they can work on it.

adam-urbanczyk commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the quick reply and background links! Let's say I'd like to experiment with using the c++ autodiff library, would you then have any pointers on how to achieve this? E.g. is there and extension API for defining custom intrinsics or pragmas that could be expanded into something in the backend?

adam-urbanczyk commented 11 months ago

Not really an extension API, but I was able to find this

and this

No support for pragmas though, or did I miss something?

certik commented 11 months ago

We don't have support for pragmas yet. For LFortran at least we'll have to add it for sure.

If you are interested in implementing it, I am happy to meet over video and we can figure out a good design. It would make sense to me to add it as an ASR->ASR pass, and it can be triggered by some function or decorator in the frontend Python language. Or if enzyme can cover all use cases, then we can use it. To use the C++ solution, our C++ generator would generate the code using the autodiff's API. One would represent things in ASR by adding some nodes, either by the IntrinsicFunction or even just new nodes / types. I don't understand the use cases well enough to have an opinion yet. But if you are a user of autodiff, then you can help us with this.

wsmoses commented 11 months ago

Lead Enzyme dev here, would be happy to help you all set things up if desired.

Depending on what path you want to go down, you can either use Enzyme as a modulepass (which replaces calls to __enzyme_autodiff / __enzyme_fwddiff / etc ) with calls to a corresponding implementation generated in the pass, or as an API which takes an LLVM Function, and relevant information, and spits out a new LLVM function to be called.

certik commented 11 months ago

Thanks @wsmoses. I would like to integrate with your Enzyme. My apologies that we didn't manage to do that yet. I personally do not use autodiff, so I was waiting for somebody who actually needs this to help and ensure we do it properly.

adam-urbanczyk commented 11 months ago

@certik thanks, I'll try to hack something together using the C++ backend. Are there any resources on extending/developing lpython?

wsmoses commented 11 months ago

@adam-urbanczyk if you want to use Enzyme's C++ frontend (you just add an extra -fplugin=/path/to/, I'd be happy to help. That might actually be pretty nice since then the same autodiff features would be possible in either a C++, LLVM, etc backend lowering.

A colleague of ours recently added some more C++ Enzyme examples if that would be helpful:

certik commented 11 months ago

Thanks a lot @wsmoses for the offer. I don't have time right now to lead this effort, but I am happy to meet with anyone who wants to pursue this. @adam-urbanczyk do you want to go ahead and try this? The best resource to develop LPython/LFortran is at and this video: