lcompilers / lpython

Python compiler
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Docs: Proposal for adding docs #2534

Open kmr-srbh opened 5 months ago

kmr-srbh commented 5 months ago

I recently got to know about this amazing compiler for Python and I truly love the idea. However, I see that there are no docs available for the language features.

I wish to contribute to the project by filling this space.

I propose using docstrings following the NumPy style guide for documenting the modules, then using Sphinx to turn them to HTML pages.

I request feedback from everybody about the idea.

PS: I had joined the Zulip Chat group before, but then left as I thought the project was beyond my skill set. I request the group administrators to reactivate my account with email id -

certik commented 5 months ago

To keep things uniform, go ahead and use LFortran's docs, and adapt them for LPython.

kmr-srbh commented 5 months ago

@certik Okay! 👍

certik commented 5 months ago

Thanks. I also reactivated your user on Zulip.

kmr-srbh commented 5 months ago

@certik Thanks a lot! 🙂