lcourson / Hangfire.Dashboard.Management.v2

Hangfire Dashboard Management
MIT License
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Management menu supports multilingualism. #28

Open lawrence8358 opened 6 months ago

lawrence8358 commented 6 months ago

Firstly, thank you for your enthusiastic development of this package.

I am using the ManagementPage attribute, and when setting the values of MenuName or Title to non-English text, the status shown in the screenshot below occurs.

image image

Could you please help me confirm what the possible reasons might be? Also, I would like to mention that my development environment is using .NET 8.

lawrence8358 commented 5 months ago

Perhaps using the following approach can support multilingual routes for the Management menu.

namespace Hangfire.Dashboard.Management.v2.Support
    public static class ExtensionMethods
        public static string ScrubURL(this string seed) => System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(seed);