Closed romildo closed 8 years ago
It depends on people, I think some of these information could be useful for some users, but the naughty notify for the widget would get bloated, and even, so large for some monitors.
The best approach would be to make the user decide what to insert into the notifications table.
If interest other users and maybe @copycat-killer himself. I could try to work on a way to make an user choose which information and in which order to be visible in the notification table.
@romildo Now you can fetch any information from OWM API and display it your forecast notification.
The following example shows how to retrieve any data from forecast16 (default forecast API).
local read_pipe = require("lain.helpers").read_pipe
myweather ={
city_id = 3469058, -- example city: Brasilia
units = "imperial", -- example units: Fahrenheit
notification_text_fun = function(wn)
-- time of data forecasted
local day = string.gsub(read_pipe(string.format("date -u -d @%d +'%%A %%d'", -- customize date cmd here
wn["dt"])), "\n", "")
-- weather condition
local desc = wn["weather"][1]["description"]
-- temperatures, units are defined above
local tmin = math.floor(wn["temp"]["min"]) -- min daily
local tmax = math.floor(wn["temp"]["max"]) -- max daily
local tmor = math.floor(wn["temp"]["morn"]) -- morning
local tday = math.floor(wn["temp"]["day"]) -- day
local teve = math.floor(wn["temp"]["eve"]) -- evening
local tnig = math.floor(wn["temp"]["night"]) -- night
-- pressure, hPa
local pres = math.floor(wn["pressure"])
-- humidity, %
local humi = math.floor(wn["humidity"])
-- wind speed, miles/hour if units are imperial, meter/sec otherwise
local wspe = math.floor(wn["speed"])
-- wind degrees, meteorological degrees
local wdeg = math.floor(wn["deg"])
-- cloudliness, %
local clou = math.floor(wn["clouds"])
-- format infos as you like, HTML text markup is allowed
return string.format("<br><b>%s</b>: %s<br>temperatures: min %d - max %d °F<br>pressure: %d hPa<br>humidity: %d%%<br>wind: %d miles/hour at %d°<br>cloudliness: %d%%<br>", day, desc, tmin, tmax, pres, humi, wspe, wdeg, clou)
settings = function()
units = math.floor(weather_now["main"]["temp"])
widget:set_text(" " .. units .. " ")
Screenshot (don't care about my Italian date
, that it's just my machine localization).
This other example shows how to retrieve any data from forecast5 instead.
local read_pipe = require("lain.helpers").read_pipe
myweather ={
city_id = 3469058, -- example city: Brasilia
units = "imperial", -- example units: Fahrenheit
forecast_call = "curl -s ''",
notification_text_fun = function(wn)
-- every data is supposed to be valid at the moment of calculation (see tcalc below)
-- time of data forecasted
local day = string.gsub(read_pipe(string.format("date -u -d @%d +'%%A %%d'", -- customize date cmd here
wn["dt"])), "\n", "")
-- weather condition
local desc = wn["weather"][1]["description"]
-- temperatures, units are defined above
local temp = math.floor(wn["main"]["temp"]) -- temp now
local tmin = math.floor(wn["main"]["temp_min"]) -- current min
local tmax = math.floor(wn["main"]["temp_max"]) -- current max
-- pressure, hPa
local pres = math.floor(wn["main"]["pressure"]) -- sea level by default
local pres = math.floor(wn["main"]["sea_level"]) -- sea level
local pres = math.floor(wn["main"]["grnd_level"]) -- ground level
-- humidity, %
local humi = math.floor(wn["main"]["humidity"])
-- wind speed, miles/hour if units are imperial, meter/sec otherwise
local wspe = math.floor(wn["wind"]["speed"])
-- wind degrees, meteorological degrees
local wdeg = math.floor(wn["wind"]["deg"])
-- cloudliness, %
local clou = math.floor(wn["clouds"]["all"])
-- rain volume for last 3 hours, mm
if wn["rain"] then
local rain3h = math.floor(wn["rain"]["3h"])
local rain3h = 0
-- snow volume for last 3 hours, mm
if wn["snow"] then
local snow3h = math.floor(wn["snow"]["3h"])
local snow3h = 0
local tcalc = wn["dt_txt"]
-- format infos as you like, html text markup is allowed
return string.format("<br><b>%s</b>: %s<br>temperatures: min %d - max %d °F<br>pressure: %d hPa<br>humidity: %d%%<br>wind: %d miles/hour at %d°<br>cloudliness: %d%%<br>", day, desc, tmin, tmax, pres, humi, wspe, wdeg, clou)
settings = function()
units = math.floor(weather_now["main"]["temp"])
widget:set_text(" " .. units .. " ")
The notification function of the weather widget accepts only four arguments: day, description, minimum temperature, and maximum temperature. It should not be limited to those information. There are many other useful information that can be interesting to have in the notification, like humidity, pressure, wind speed, precipitation volume, etc. All of the those informations should be available in the function.