lcpz / lain

Awesome WM complements
GNU General Public License v2.0
1.05k stars 212 forks source link

Fix rockspec #524

Closed joefiorini closed 2 years ago

joefiorini commented 2 years ago

I could not install lain via luarocks using the existing rockspec file. There were a few issues:

  1. There is no scm-1 tag in the repo,
  2. The glib, curl & awesome dependencies do not exist as rocks in the luarocks repo, therefore they should not be dependencies here
  3. The format of the repo URL is incorrect, it should be using the git+https protocol

Once I fixed those issues I was able to install using a local copy of the rockspec. I'm sure I'm not the first person to install lain via luarocks, how have others have managed to get it to work?

lcpz commented 2 years ago

@aajjbb Could you please update your rockspec?

EDIT: To avoid bothering you, I uploaded a rockspec myself.

aajjbb commented 2 years ago

Thanks for uploading the new rockspec @lcpz!

Aire-One commented 1 year ago

EDIT: To avoid bothering you, I uploaded a rockspec myself.

Hello @lcpz, the rockspec you have uploaded is available at The file content is:

package = "lain"
version = "scm-1"
source = {
   url = "git+",
   tag = "master"
description = {
   summary = "Layout, widgets and utilities for Awesome WM",
   detailed = [[
        Successor of awesome-vain, this module provides alternative layouts, asynchronous widgets and utility functions for Awesome WM.

        Non-Lua dependency: curl (for IMAP, MPD and weather widgets).
   homepage = "",
   license = "GPL2"
dependencies = {
   "lua >= 5.3",
   "dkjson >= 2.6-1"
supported_platforms = { "linux" }
build = {
   type = "builtin",
   modules = { lain = "init.lua" }

Which is NOT the rockspec from this repository:

Note: While the installation works, the installed package is actually broken (See