lczub / TestLink-API-Python-client

A Python client to use the TestLink API
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implement 1.9.17 new api - getAllExecutionsResults #101

Closed lczub closed 6 years ago

lczub commented 6 years ago

TL future release 1.9.17 delivers new api getAllExecutionsResults

related TL Mantis Task

   * Gets ALL EXECUTIONS for a particular testcase on a test plan.
   * If there are no filter criteria regarding platform and build,
   * result will be get WITHOUT checking for a particular platform and build.
   * @param struct $args
   * @param string $args["devKey"]
   * @param int $args["tplanid"]
   * @param int $args["testcaseid"]: Pseudo optional.
   *                                 if does not is present then testcaseexternalid MUST BE present
   * @param int $args["testcaseexternalid"]: Pseudo optional.
   *                                         if does not is present then testcaseid MUST BE present
   * @param string $args["platform_id"]: optional.
   *                                    will be analized ONLY if present and exists
   * @param int $args["build_id"]: optional
   *                               will be analized ONLY if present and exists
   * @param int $args["options"] - optional
   *                               options['getBugs'] = true / false
   * @return mixed $resultInfo
   *               if executions found
   *               array that contains a map for each execution with these keys:
   *               id (execution id),build_id,tester_id,execution_ts,
   *               status,testplan_id,tcversion_id,tcversion_number,
   *               execution_type,notes.
   *               If user has requested getbugs, then a key bugs (that is an array)
   *               will also exists.
   *               if test case has not been execute, the first map will be returned with -1 as 'id'
   * @access public
    public function getAllExecutionsResults($args)