lczub / TestLink-API-Python-client

A Python client to use the TestLink API
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raise 500 Internal Server Error #104

Closed wangrocky closed 6 years ago

wangrocky commented 6 years ago

I tried this: tls.reportTCResult(206955, 'p', testcaseid=196925, buildname='', notes='', user='', platformid=None) and i got : raceback (most recent call last): File "", line 81, in report_test_result(206955, 196925, 'p') File "", line 60, in report_test_result testcaseexternalid=test_case_id, platformname="") File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\testlink\", line 112, in wrapperAddDevKey return methodAPI(self, *argsPositional, *argsOptional) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\testlink\", line 100, in wrapperWithArgs argsPositional, argsOptional) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\testlink\", line 1517, in callServerWithPosArgs response = self._callServer(methodNameAPI, argsOptional) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\testlink\", line 1996, in _callServer raise testlinkerrors.TLConnectionError(new_msg) testlink.testlinkerrors.TLConnectionError: problems connecting the TestLink Server http://myip:8080/testlink/lib/api/xmlrpc/v1/xmlrpc.php <ProtocolError for myip:8080/testlink/lib/api/xmlrpc/v1/xmlrpc.php: 500 Internal Server Error**>

lczub commented 6 years ago

Hello wangrocky,

you tried to report a test result without any build information.

The wiki page Usage describes, how you can report results.

The and TestLinkExampleGenericApi includes several variation how reportTCResult can be used.

Hope this helps, regards Luiko

lczub commented 6 years ago

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