lczub / TestLink-API-Python-client

A Python client to use the TestLink API
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[Question] How to submit a carriage return '\n' on a note on test result ? #110

Closed eskignax closed 5 years ago

eskignax commented 5 years ago

Hello, I would like to send multiline notes for testcase result when I use automation.

This currently doesn't work:

`>>> import testlink

tls = testlink.TestLinkHelper().connect(testlink.TestlinkAPIClient) tls.reportTCResult(a_TestCaseID, a_TestPlanID, 'a build name', 'f', 'note 1st line \n note 2nd line', user='a user login name', platformid=a_platformID)`

I also tried with <br \> without better success (result still in one line ).

Any idea ?

Thank you.

eskignax commented 5 years ago

I tried again today, and now it's work correctly with \n I have no idea why it couldn't work before. I am closing the issue. Thanks.

lczub commented 5 years ago

Hello eskignax, sorry for the late repsonse, but good to see, that you was able to solve the issue . regards Luiko