lczub / TestLink-API-Python-client

A Python client to use the TestLink API
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assignRequirements #135

Closed vladhategancs closed 3 years ago

vladhategancs commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am trying to use the assignRequirements exactly as you stated in the examples from APIGeneric, but whatever I do I get an xmlparse error: "junk after document element: line 1, column 91".

I found no way of passing an array of dictionaries to this method nor found examples on the internet or in the doc folder of this repo.

Can you help me?

lczub commented 4 years ago

Hello vldhategancs,

Getting a xmlparse error: junk after document element is often a symptom, that the TestLink server itself was running in an internal error and returns native error statements instead XML formatted messages. You can do two things for further analyses

  1. check our web server and TestLink logs for errors methods
  2. enable the debug mode as described in How to check original exchanged XML data

Additional helpful information would be:

Regards Luiko

vladhategancs commented 4 years ago

Hello Luiko,

I will try the debug mode method you described above.

Here are the additional info you required. Do you think it may be a version problem here? TestLink-API-Python-client 0.6.4
TestLink 1.9.16 (Moka pot)

Best, Vlad

lczub commented 4 years ago

Hello Vlad, TL 1.9.17 has added additional api methods getRequirements and getReqCoverage, which are supported with TestLink-API-Python-client 0.8.0.

The problematic api method assignRequirements was already introduced with TL 1.9.8 and I haven't seen significant changes on it and also doesn't find a working round trip to test them as mention in TL Mantis CR 7914.

Maybe I oversaw something. If you find a working parameter combination to call, I would be glad to extend the sample with it.

Please apologize, that I haven't a solution for you. Regards Luiko

vladhategancs commented 4 years ago

Hello Luiko,

No problem, thank you for your answers. Really appreciate it!

All the best, Vlad