lczub / TestLink-API-Python-client

A Python client to use the TestLink API
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Function "assignRequirements" argument "requirements" #142

Closed mbounabi closed 3 years ago

mbounabi commented 3 years ago The argument "requirements" from the function "assignRequirements" requires a "req_spec" value. Currently, as written in the comment, the internal IDs must be known. However, when looking at the following example: the "req_spec" value should be available in the requirement object, with the key "srs_id".

Is the key "srs_id" planned to be added at some point? Or, could it be possible to retrieve the "req_spec" value for the requirement in "assignRequirements" an other way?

lczub commented 3 years ago

Hello mbounabi,

discussion for questions #135 describes the current state. We have to wait for changes on the TL server site. This Sorry, Regards Luiko

mbounabi commented 3 years ago


I didn't see the issue because it was already closed. The Mantis bug mentionned in that other issue hasn't moved since 2017 so I guess that there are very few chances to see the modifications on the server side...

Thanks for your feedback!
