lczub / TestLink-API-Python-client

A Python client to use the TestLink API
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Question: Updating execution order #166

Open nefethael opened 3 months ago

nefethael commented 3 months ago


I'm wondering if it is possible to update TestCase execution order for a TestPlan?

I tried several methods addTestCaseToTestPlan (with or without overwrite), updateTestCase, updateTestCaseCustomFieldDesignValue without success. Do we need to create a new TestPlan or should I use another method?

Thanks by advance for any help, Vincent

lczub commented 3 months ago

Hello Vincent, sorry for late response. I also do not see a possibility, how to change the execution order using the api. Beside creating a new TestPlan per API maybe adjusting the order using the GUI might be also an option. Regards Luiko