ld-archer / E_FEM

This is the repository for the English version of the Future Elderly Model, originally developed at the Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Microsimulation.
MIT License
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80 100 workstat physical activity #110

Closed ld-archer closed 1 year ago

ld-archer commented 1 year ago

Updated the workstat and physical activity variables.

Workstat had only slight changes, where the previous levels of {employed, unemployed, retired} have been replaced with {employed, inactive, retired}. Long term disabled are now included in the inactive category, whilst semi-retired is bundled with retired.

Physical Activity vars have been completely revamped. Instead of the old 3 level ordinal variable exstat {High, medium, low}, this has been replaced with a binary variable of whether a respondent is physically active or not. The new variable also includes information on how active a respondents job is if employed, meaning someone who has a physically demanding job but very little leisure time activity, they will still be classified as physically active.

Closes #80 #100