ld-archer / E_FEM

This is the repository for the English version of the Future Elderly Model, originally developed at the Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Microsimulation.
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External Validation #44

Closed ld-archer closed 3 years ago

ld-archer commented 3 years ago

Found some statistics on chronic disease prevalence in the elderly.

This link is for a PDF available from the AgeUK. It contains information on the prevalence of lots of things, all by gender and age groups.

Also this link is for information on specific conditions, again from AgeUK. I think the PDF has all the information that is on this page, just putting it here in case.

Also this is for the UK Diabetes foundation, linking to a search for key statistics.

ld-archer commented 3 years ago

Collect some statistics into a spreadsheet and eventually will create an R script to compare and visualise.

ld-archer commented 3 years ago

IMPORTANT It's important to remember that the Age UK stats are GP recorded, as opposed to ELSA which is self-reported and absorbing. It will definitely still be interesting/important to see how they compare, and it can still provide some validation to us if FEM outputs track trends that we see in this data. i.e. if FEM hearte value rises parallel to a rise in Age UK almanac (or other data), even though our values are not the same we can at least show evidence of a 'link'.

Also, some variables do not map 1:1 to ELSA variables. For example, there are 3 diseases in AgeUK almanac that correspond to hearte var in ELSA.

ld-archer commented 3 years ago

Done, in paper in review.