ld0614 / LanguageDsc

Initial Release of LanguagePack Resource and early development release of Language Resource.
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Language not working without PsDscRunAsCredential #6

Open Francois-Rousseau opened 5 years ago

Francois-Rousseau commented 5 years ago

If you run a Get-DscConfiguration you will get the following error if have Language in your Configuration

Get-DscConfiguration : A general error occurred that is not covered by a more specific error code. At line:1 char:1

Node $AllNodes.NodeName { Language ConfigureLanguage { IsSingleInstance = "Yes" LocationID = 39 MUILanguage = "en-US" MUIFallbackLanguage = "fr-CA" SystemLocale = "fr-CA" AddInputLanguages = @("0409:00000409","0C0C:00001009") UserLocale = "en-US" CopySystem = $true CopyNewUser = $true } }

By looking in the event viewer, I found error 4252 : Job {1DC9B5A1-DB8C-11E8-A2BC-00155D512F4E} : MIResult: 1 Error Message: NULL Message ID: NULL Error Category: 0 Error Code: 0 Error Type: NULL

The Event before is : Job {1DC9B5A1-DB8C-11E8-A2BC-00155D512F4E} : Impersonation reverted. Thread is running under the context of NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.

I took a guess to add PsDscRunAsCredential with admin credentials to the configuration and now, The resource ask me to reboot, and after the reboot on the client machine, the Get-DscConfiguration is running perfectly :

ConfigurationName : ConfigurationNoyau DependsOn : {[LanguagePack]fr-CA::[DSQ_BASE_NOYAU]Noyau} ModuleName : LanguageDsc ModuleVersion : PsDscRunAsCredential : ResourceId : [Language]ConfigureLanguage::[DSQ_BASE_NOYAU]Noyau SourceInfo : AddInputLanguages : CopyNewUser : CopySystem : CurrentInstalledLanguages : {MSFT_KeyValuePair (key = "en-CA"), MSFT_KeyValuePair (key = "fr-CA")} IsSingleInstance : Yes LocationID : 39 MUIFallbackLanguage : MUILanguage : en-US RemoveInputLanguages : SystemLocale : fr-CA UserLocale : fr-CA PSComputerName : CimClassName : MSFT_Language

After that, I found that If a user is loggued, a reboot is initiated each time, same as Issue #5 .