ld0614 / LanguageDsc

Initial Release of LanguagePack Resource and early development release of Language Resource.
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link

Stopped working on Server 2019 #8

Open tigerdeccan opened 4 years ago

tigerdeccan commented 4 years ago

I have this code - it worked fine all the time on server 2016 . but on 2019 it doesnt work. No issues reported in DSC operational logs

Issue : Language insatllation works but langiage is not set to primary on control panel image

Here is my code

Configuration LocaleExample { Import-DscResource -ModuleName LanguageDsc, xPSDesiredStateConfiguration , computermanagement

Node Localhost {

    xRemoteFile DownloadLanguagePack {
        DestinationPath = "c:\temp\de-DE.cab"
        Uri             = "https://langstoremumtaz.blob.core.windows.net/language/de-DE.cab"

    LanguagePack InstallLanguagePack {
        LanguagePackName     = "de-DE"
        LanguagePackLocation = "c:\temp\de-DE.cab"
        Dependson            = "[xRemoteFile]DownloadLanguagePack"

    Language ConfigureLanguage {
        IsSingleInstance     = "Yes" 
        LocationID           = 94 
        MUILanguage          = "de-DE" 
        MUIFallbackLanguage  = "en-US"
        SystemLocale         = "de-DE" 
        AddInputLanguages    = @("0407:00000407")
        RemoveInputLanguages = @("0409:00000409")
        UserLocale           = "de-DE"
        CopySystem           = $true
        CopyNewUser          = $true
        Dependson            = "[LanguagePack]InstallLanguagePack"
