ld4l-labs / bibliotek-o

bibliotek-o: a BIBFRAME 2 Extension Ontology
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DELETE Named Individuals for oa:Motivation #42

Closed amberbilley closed 7 years ago

amberbilley commented 7 years ago

PR #36 bibliotek-o change request by the ArtFrame Community for 2017 Q2.

DELETE Named Individuals for oa:Motivition bib:specifyingSystemRequirements

Justification: System Requirements: has been changed recently to an object property, hence eliminating the need for bib:specifyingSystemRequirements. Propose to delete bib:specifyingSystemRequirements from bibliotek-o and change mapping to: :I a bf:Instance ; bf:systemRequirement [a bf:SystemRequirement ; rdf:value “Flash player or equivalent”^^bibdt:legacySourceData ] .