ldab / ESP32-CAM-Picture-Sharing

ESP32-CAM remote image access via FTP. Take pictures with ESP32 and upload it via FTP making it accessible for the outisde network.
MIT License
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FTP Timeout #1

Closed marcosbis closed 5 years ago

marcosbis commented 5 years ago

Awesome stuff!. is it possible to setup timeout or some way to limit the connection time on the FTP client?

ldab commented 5 years ago

That should not be a problem. Your server probably have a timeout already implemented.

Can you elaborate what you're trying to achieve a bit more?

marcosbis commented 5 years ago

I have an ESP32Cam on batteries taking a picture and send it via your FTP lib, then ESP32 go on deep sleep for 5minutes and repeat the sequence, If the FTP server is down for any reason the client never timeout then it will never trigger the sleep mode and it will consume the battery.

ldab commented 5 years ago

A timeout has been implemented on the last commit https://github.com/ldab/ESP32_FTPClient/issues/4#issuecomment-520074917

Soon, I'll improve it and return some confirmation which will prevent other commands of no connection.