If I start an OpenLDAP docker container as suggested in https://github.com/ldapjs/docker-test-openldap and then connect to it with ldap.createClient I can search with filter sn=Conrad and get a searchEntry for Hermes Conrad printed but when I search for sn=Rodríguez no entry is found.
import { default as ldap } from 'ldapjs';
// **** if this opts are used an entry will be printed ****
// const opts = {
// filter: '(&(sn=Conrad)',
// scope: 'sub',
// attributes: ['dn', 'sn', 'cn'],
// type: 'user'
// };
// **** using this opts no entry is found *****
const opts = {
filter: '(&(sn=Rodríguez)',
scope: 'sub',
attributes: ['dn', 'sn', 'cn'],
type: 'user'
If I start an OpenLDAP docker container as suggested in https://github.com/ldapjs/docker-test-openldap and then connect to it with ldap.createClient I can search with filter sn=Conrad and get a searchEntry for Hermes Conrad printed but when I search for sn=Rodríguez no entry is found.
import { default as ldap } from 'ldapjs';
// **** if this opts are used an entry will be printed **** // const opts = { // filter: '(&(sn=Conrad)', // scope: 'sub', // attributes: ['dn', 'sn', 'cn'], // type: 'user' // };
// **** using this opts no entry is found ***** const opts = { filter: '(&(sn=Rodríguez)', scope: 'sub', attributes: ['dn', 'sn', 'cn'], type: 'user' };
client.search('dc=planetexpress,dc=com', opts, (err, res) => {
res.on('searchRequest', (searchRequest) => { console.log('searchRequest: ', searchRequest.messageId); }); res.on('searchEntry', (entry) => { console.log('entry: ' + JSON.stringify(entry.pojo)); }); res.on('searchReference', (referral) => { console.log('referral: ' + referral.uris.join()); }); res.on('error', (err) => { console.error('error: ' + err.message); }); res.on('end', (result) => { console.log('status: ' + result.status); }); });