Closed trreynolds closed 1 month ago
Project Organizations and Funding Agencies fields can use brackets [] but will not accept parentheses. All the other fields where users can enter new items will accept both parentheses and brackets.
Issue #174 already exists to add the ability to review and edit organizations and funding agencies.
From 9/24/24 team meeting. Need direction from Brian. Regarding metadata terms using () and/or [] so as not to confuse the entity reference lookups? Need to make sure if people search on a term inside of the brackets or inside of the parens, that system is able to see those words that are inside of the () and [] and that it comes back in search results.
We made decision early in grant to use parentheses. Example: Behavior Assessment System for Children Second Edition (BASC-2): Progress Monitor But then we thought system was needing brackets for just some fields (but then we thought maybe not), and now it is kind of inconsistent. Just need clarification and maybe cleanup on terms. [08/12/2023 2:01 PM] Brian Arsenault: #5 for fields like Project Organization(s) and Funding Agencies you should use brackets [ ]. Otherwise or fields like Project Descriptors, which display choices as white text on a black box with rounded edges, it shouldn't matter. [08/12/2023 2:19 PM] Tara Reynolds: The public enter those 2 (Project Orgs and Funding Agencies) though, right? I think they are the ones that people enter (and I don't review, because it doesn't come through on taxonomy terms to review). So, is this a problem? (that I can’t clean up those terms)
[BA] get a definitive answer as to which fields need brackets and where it doesn’t matter After this, we should make team decision on how to clean up the fields that people add (if they incorrectly use brackets or parens) so that LDbase metadata is consistent and works well. As well as fixing why those terms aren't coming through on Taxonomy Review. (or just new direction on how to check and update terms added by people. We see spelling errors and things like that).