Closed kosirm closed 5 years ago
So! I am not sure if I understand you correctly, but let me give you an example:
In there, I use the graphQL API to access the text. In that same project, I use some cute tricks to find the first image in the text, etc.
Anyways, if your question is "can I access the code saved in github"? The answer is yes, for sure!
I can even add a little section on how to do it because it is not 100% clear. (It took me some time to find it)
Otherwise, you may have a more complicated question, but if you clarify it, I can surely try to help!
further comment for anybody who sees this:
query {
user( login: "ldd") {
repositories(first: 11){
edges {
node {
readme: object(expression:"master:package.json"){
... on Blob{
That'll get you the package.json contents for some of my repositories.
Oh, man, that's revelation for me, didn't know it's possible at all... Thank you so much for the info and for your time! 😄 👍
Hi, I'm really interested in using github as a gatsby source with new github graphql api, but I'm not sure if there is api for tree / node implemented yet. If I can use it only for listing issues etc. it's not really valuable source for me. I would like to access json files saved in github. Is this possible?