Discussion with co-authors has changed the needed terminology for different types of EARs. Rather than the summation formulas we have been using, we will use revised terminology like this:
When we determine aggregations of samples at each site, they are called:
These are all described in the revised methods section.
I have submitted individual issues for the manuscript figs in need of revision. For the SI figs, the changes are:
change EAR to EARChem
in caption, change ax [EAR[j]] to EARSiteChem. Remove (j = samples) in caption.
in caption in two places and in the legend, change [EAR[j]] to EARSiteChem. Remove (j = samples) in caption.
5 A-M. Change y-axis label to EARSiteChem. Remove (i = chemicals, j = samples) in caption.
in caption and in the legend, change [EAR[j]] to EARSiteAOP. Remove (j = samples) in caption.
Change formula in caption and y-axis to EARSiteAOP. Remove (i = chemicals in an AOP, j = samples, k = sites) in caption.
Discussion with co-authors has changed the needed terminology for different types of EARs. Rather than the summation formulas we have been using, we will use revised terminology like this: EARChem EARMix EARAOP
When we determine aggregations of samples at each site, they are called: EARSiteChem EARSiteMix EARSiteAOP
These are all described in the revised methods section. I have submitted individual issues for the manuscript figs in need of revision. For the SI figs, the changes are: