ldelossa / gh.nvim

A fully featured GitHub integration for performing code reviews in Neovim.
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[+] icon of column sign is not showing, randomly. #85

Open greyHairChooseLife opened 1 year ago

greyHairChooseLife commented 1 year ago

Every icons work fine but only 2 things left ugly.

First, when I open a commit, [+] icon or speech bubble icon is not showing for diff windows. I opened PRs like 50 times until now, it shows up only a few times.

Second, the icons like these :point_right: :+1: :1st_place_medal: are not showing but only empty square. And it failed to load sometimes.

It is okay to leave emoji as I directly type in a comment thread like :+1:, I still can't read from others. I wonder it is about my font issue or.. something else.

Just in case, I use hack-nerd font, so I set icon-set = "nerd" for both gh.nvim, litee.nvim.

And here is my config as well. ``` require('litee.lib').setup({ tree = { icon_set = "nerd", }, panel = { orientation = "left", panel_size = 30, }, }) require('litee.gh').setup({ -- deprecated, around for compatability for now. jump_mode = "invoking", -- remap the arrow keys to resize any litee.nvim windows. map_resize_keys = false, -- do not map any keys inside any gh.nvim buffers. disable_keymaps = false, -- the icon set to use. icon_set = "nerd", -- any custom icons to use. icon_set_custom = nil, -- whether to register the @username and #issue_number omnifunc completion -- in buffers which start with .git/ git_buffer_completion = true, -- defines keymaps in gh.nvim buffers. keymaps = { -- when inside a gh.nvim panel, this key will open a node if it has -- any futher functionality. for example, hitting on a commit node -- will open the commit's changed files in a new gh.nvim panel. open = "", -- when inside a gh.nvim panel, expand a collapsed node expand = "zo", -- when inside a gh.nvim panel, collpased and expanded node collapse = "zc", -- when cursor is over a "#1234" formatted issue or PR, open its details -- and comments in a new tab. goto_issue = "", -- show any details about a node, typically, this reveals commit messages -- and submitted review bodys. details = "d", -- inside a convo buffer, submit a comment submit_comment = "", -- inside a convo buffer, when your cursor is ontop of a comment, open -- up a set of actions that can be performed. actions = "", -- inside a thread convo buffer, resolve the thread. resolve_thread = "", -- inside a gh.nvim panel, if possible, open the node's web URL in your -- browser. useful particularily for digging into external failed CI -- checks. goto_web = "gw", -- go web -- if selectable, select the object under the cursor for additional operations. select = "gs", -- if selectable, clear all selected items. clear_selection = "gss", } }) ```