ldelossa / gh.nvim

A fully featured GitHub integration for performing code reviews in Neovim.
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windows support #89

Open hfn92 opened 1 year ago

hfn92 commented 1 year ago

I'm sometimes forced to use windows and I'd still like to be able to use gh.nvim

I've identified two issues under windows.

  1. temp dir - /tmp is not available under window. gh.nvim can't show diffs because it cant pull the source files. I don't know what a sensible temp dir is for windows. But I think being able to configure the the temp dir would solve the issue.

  2. some gh cli invokations fail. Not sure why. But the body is cut off if a comment contains "\n": '{"message":"Validation Failed","errors":[{"resource":"IssueComment","code":"unprocessable","field":"data","message":"Body cannot be blank"}],"documentation_url":https://docs.github.com/enterprise-server@3.9/rest/reference/issues#create-an-issue-comment}gh: Validation Failed (HTTP 422)\n' I was able to fix the by changing the way vim.fn.system is called

   -- from this
    local cmd = string.format([[gh api -X POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/%d/comments -f body=%s]], number, body)
    -- to this
    local cmd = {
      string.format([[/repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/%s/comments]], number),
      string.format([[body=%s]], body:sub(2, #body - 1)), -- remove " from the beginning and end

I fixed what didn't work for me on this branch https://github.com/hfn92/gh.nvim/commit/470ec8f43e1b424d081c90652e17fda20172abc8 I'm unsure about side effects :worried: But what do you think. Are those reasonable changes?