ldkjf2nd / 17-18Capstone

Capstone of 2017 to 2018 for Software Eng Game Design
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Design Doc - Questions #1

Open szymczdm opened 6 years ago

szymczdm commented 6 years ago

Please find below the list of questions customized for your group's design doc. There will likely be other things you may need to address, but this should get your thinking started.

Keep your requirements in mind while addressing how you're going to implement your game. How are you going to implement specific features? And what decisions have you made regarding that implementation? You can point me to code/comments as necessary, but make sure it's clear why you've made that choice.

Examples of the kinds of things you should be thinking about follow:

For example, when dealing with player movement state which keys will be mapped to which movement direction. Are you using Unity's standard assets for movement controls? Are the controls configurable? How fast will the player move? Is there a lead-time before movement begins? Does movement ramp-up or does the player start at maximum speed? Can the player move in the air? etc.

For items, can item attributes stack? How many items can a player use simultaneously? What categories of items do you have (ex. damage boosting, healing)? What items belong to each category? How does each item work (list them all and describe them)? How does a player pick up an item (do they need to be within a certain range? Do they need to press a button)?

What constitutes your player's status? What stats will be shown? How will they be shown (where are they located on screen)? Are they always visible or can they be hidden? How?

Same questions for you player's gear status.

How does the camera system work? Is it perspective or orthogonal? Are there multiple cameras? Does the camera follow the player? How does it do that (algorithm)? Can the player control the camera? If so, how?

How do players interact with other players/NPCs/objects/enemies? How far away should they be? Do they need to press a specific button or is it automatic once within a given range? What are the specific types of interactions possible and how do they work?

How does combat work? How does the player perform an attack? What kinds of attacks can they perform? Can they start a combo, how? What are all of the possible combos? Where are the hitboxes in relation to your sprites/models? What shape are they? Can a player avoid damage? Can a player become invulnerable (How? Does it happen after getting hit)? How do special attacks work? How do enemy special attacks work? When does a hit register (Is it instant? At the beginning of an attack animation? In the middle/end of an animation)? Can a player avoid damage? How is damage calculated? How much damage does an attack do?

What does "pausing" the game do? What will the player see when it's paused? What do your menus look like? Will the game continue playing in the background (ex. GoldenEye 64 watch system), or will it freeze?

How does the item menu/shop work? What does it look like? How much do items cost? What items are available? Does the stock change over time?

What are your different enemy types (including sprites/models)? How do they work? Do they follow predictable patterns? AI? Some combination? Be specific with which enemy does what. How do they react to the player? etc.

How does a player "die"/fail a level? Is it from health=0, falling off screen, getting stuck, etc? What happens when they do? How do they continue?

How does a player beat an enemy, boss, level, etc.? Be specific for each type of enemy, boss, level, etc.

What algorithms are you using for pathfinding? AI? etc. If you're using your own algorithms, explain them. If you're using existing algorithms, name them and provide a source.

How do you change gameplay modes? Are menus involved? What do they look like?

What do your menus look like? What options are available to the player? How many menus are there? Is there a level-select screen?

Can the player soft-lock the game and be forced to restart? How? Can you guarantee this won't happen? How?

What do your levels look like? What are the puzzles/obstacles/enemies in each? What is the goal of each level? Are they all the same or different? How does the story progress between levels?

Zyanting18 commented 6 years ago

Design Document.pdf