ldkong1205 / LaserMix

[CVPR 2023 Highlight] LaserMix for Semi-Supervised LiDAR Semantic Segmentation
Apache License 2.0
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can I run this code with four 2080Ti GPUs #23

Closed mooncakehub closed 5 months ago

ldkong1205 commented 6 months ago

Hi @mooncakehub, thanks for your interest in this work!

The answer to your question is yes. You can choose a suitable segmentation backbone to fit the memory in your GPU machines. I list several options below for your reference:

Backbone Backend Memory Training Time FPS
MinkUNet18-W16 torchsparse 3.4 GB - -
MinkUNet34-W32 minkowski engine 11.5 GB 6.5 hours 12.2
MinkUNet34-W32 spconv 6.7 GB 2.0 hours 14.6
Cylinder3D spconv 10.2 GB - -
mooncakehub commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your reply. it's really helpful