ldkong1205 / RoboDepth

[NeurIPS 2023] RoboDepth: Robust Out-of-Distribution Depth Estimation under Corruptions
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Looking forward to evaluation scripts on KITTI_C #3

Closed CeciliaYao closed 1 year ago

CeciliaYao commented 1 year ago

Hello, I configured according to GET_STARTED.md but could not find evaluate_kittic.sh,I wonder when can this script file release?Looking forward to your reply and wish you a happy new year!

ldkong1205 commented 1 year ago

Hi @debug66Yao, thanks for your interest in this work, and sorry for the confusion.

You can use the following script as an example of the .sh file for running evaluations on KITTI-C, with MonoDepth2:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 evaluate_kittic.py \
    --load_weights_folder FOLDER_PATH \

Note that you will need to first download the pretrained weights of MonoDepth2 and put them into the folder FOLDER_PATH. You can access the weights on this page.

You will also need to set the eval mode based on the model itself, for example, eval_mono or eval_stereo.

I will add these .sh scripts (MonoDepth2 and other models) into the codebase later. I will let you know once they are ready. Thanks!

CeciliaYao commented 1 year ago

Ok, I get it now, thanks!