ldkong1205 / RoboDepth

[NeurIPS 2023] RoboDepth: Robust Out-of-Distribution Depth Estimation under Corruptions
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Model_zoo.md is missing #5

Closed miRemid closed 1 year ago

miRemid commented 1 year ago

I can't find the Model_zoo.md referenced in the README, and i also don't see the depthformer folder in the zoo directory. Are you forget to upload them?thank you

ldkong1205 commented 1 year ago

Hi @miRemid, thanks for your reminder!

We will soonly update the results in MODEL_ZOO.md, and also upload code for fully-supervised depth estimation methods like DepthFormer.

By the way, we borrow most of the code from Monocular-Depth-Estimation-Toolbox for our indoor depth estimation track.

Once the document and code are ready, we will let me know. Thanks!

ldkong1205 commented 1 year ago

Hi @miRemid, we have updated some results of KITTI-C and NYUDepth2-C. You can now find them on the main page of this repository (https://github.com/ldkong1205/RoboDepth/blob/main/README.md), under section Benchmark.

For the code of DepthFormer: We will soonly clean up the code for this benchmark and upload it to the repository. Thanks for waiting!

miRemid commented 1 year ago

Hi @ldkong1205 , i'm glad to see the uploading benchmark results! For the depthformer, i've tried the author's orignial repo and it works fine, thanks for your response and my question is solved, close the issue :D