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Wiki for the Minecraft mod MineColonies
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List of Curated Modpacks #759

Open anonymous563 opened 2 years ago

anonymous563 commented 2 years ago

Page Description

List of curated modpacks


Because Ray said so.

Talyda commented 2 years ago

Did he say why as well? Cos they aren't all updated as often as they should be, and that in itself causes problems =P

anonymous563 commented 2 years ago

It was mentioned on stream and Ray agreed with the idea shrug Personally, though, I don't think it's particularly necessary because of ^what you said, as well as just not being a thing that is MineColonies-specific.

anonymous563 commented 2 years ago

If it happens, I will not be the one to set it up or update it.

Talyda commented 2 years ago

Yep, with you there =)