ldtteam / minecolonies-features

This is a repo only to discuss minecolonies features (requested and planned)
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War Memorial - An Alternative Graveyard for Guards #657

Open JesseLeeBusch opened 2 years ago

JesseLeeBusch commented 2 years ago



Is your feature request related to a problem?

My feature request is related to the problem of how quickly the Graveyard can fill with guards, especially if you lose a few guards in every raid. I know there are some workarounds. You could deconstruct/reconstruct an exist graveyard or just build a whole new one, but that only buys time. One or two bad raids and your graveyard becomes full again and the biggest benefit of your gravekeeper, collecting items from graves, becomes disabled again. Considering guard deaths are already treated differently by the colonists (aka no mourning period), I feel like there could be another solution.

Feature description

Since Minecolonies now seems to support workers having second work sites (eg the Miner can work at the quarry building), I think the Graveyard could have another work building/site called the "War Memorial." The War Memorial would be a graveyard specifically for guards, and at its base would have an innately higher capacity for "graves" than the traditional graveyard. Beyond that, I could imagine that instead of each dead guard being given an individual graves, there could be a series of sign-like objects where soldiers names are added as they die. And/or the list of guards memorialized could just be a list in the hut block for the building.

This feature doesn't remove the problem. Eventually war memorials will fill up just like graveyards, but them being a higher capacity means that it at least takes longer. That and you're still only maintaining the one gravekeeper while also leaving the more traditional graveyard for all the other colonists. Of course the size/scope of the war memorial is up to the schematic designers, but the hope would be a war memorial the same size of a graveyard would have a notably larger capacity.

Notes or related things


Talyda commented 2 years ago

Why did you close this? I think having a "war memorial" (or just a separate graveyard just for guards) could be a really good idea! Perhaps not exactly as you have suggested here, but a variation of it could be - perhaps a second type of graveyard altogether, with a second worker assigned to it? So each colony could have a regular graveyard, and a war memorial?

I mean, the idea needs to be kinda fleshed out more, but I like the concept!

JesseLeeBusch commented 2 years ago

I kind of got hard shut down by one of the "Raycoms" from today, April 1st. (Looks like it's Moobien when I get passed the server rename.) Don't want to recopy/paste the whole discussion but if you look for "War Memorial" in the suggestions channel in Discord you should be able to trace the discussion thread.

But my understanding is that it boiled down to "no point in having 2 graveyards" and that "building more graveyards is what you're supposed to do."

JesseLeeBusch commented 2 years ago

But yeah, even as an alternate type of graveyard... in later stage colonies, if you're doing things right, you should only really be losing guards. So if there could be a guard only graveyard/war-memorial that conceptually is meant to have a higher grave density, my hope is that it could save you building 2-3-4 of the normal graveyards.

Talyda commented 2 years ago

Moobien has a point - with the way it all works now, you build a second graveyard. But as an idea, a concept, this has merit (well, in my opinion anyway!) This would be just building a second KIND of graveyard.

I'm not sure though on coding side, how they would go about making sure only guards got buried in one over the other. If that ended up too difficult, maybe it would be worth suggesting for schematic designers that like the idea to actually create an "alt" graveyard schematic, so you could have one that looked like a war memorial? Not all of them would want to, or would like the idea, but I think some might!

JesseLeeBusch commented 2 years ago

Well, I'll reopen it and discussion can continue I suppose XD. Thanks for the vote of interest, at least!

Thodor12 commented 2 years ago

Updated labels as this would likely have to be a separately coded building, and possibly require a new worker with it's own AI

Frustrated-Programmer commented 2 years ago

Suggestion: Said worker could be called "Caretaker". Since the caretaker would be mostly inactive, they could act coopertively with the undertaker. Boosting the undertaker's mana when the caretaker visits the graveyard OR when the undertaker visits the war memorial. In case there is no graveyard the caretaker could also/(or instead) can visit taverns boosting visitors. (Lore wise this is because the visitors would feel safer knowing there is a military willing to die for them and that the caretaker can tell the stories). Maybe but big maybe, the caretaker could visit schools to give speeches/war stories and grant temporary boosts to teaching children.

Inside said war memorial; instead of named gravestones, they just use signs(each containing a name on each line) or a brand new block with the possibility of containing multiple names. It would allow it to be much more condensed.

However, if a guard became resurrected, their name should be removed from the list of the fallen. To avoid duplicates of their name in case they die again,