ldtteam / minecolonies-features

This is a repo only to discuss minecolonies features (requested and planned)
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[Suggestion] Allow build tool to preview schematics again, regardless of research requirements. #736

Open Tygerial opened 1 year ago

Tygerial commented 1 year ago



Is your feature request related to a problem?

Hard to plan out you village in early game due to inability to place down hut blocks requiring research.

Enhancement or Change description

Allow hut blocks to be placed down before research for that building is done. Prevent the start of the building process instead. Allow the build tool to preview schematics again like before the new build tool system.

Notes or related things

Requested change would allow one to plan out their village/city in advance, being able to see where building will be that they don't have unlocked yet. Would not affect the leveling process, only allow for planning ahead and city development.


Talyda commented 1 year ago

Yeah, please bring this feature back. It's really important for anyone that wants to leave space for future buildings!

Thodor12 commented 1 year ago

For planning purposes it's possible to just use wool to keep the locations of where you want to fit in buildings, I do this all the time.

MotionlessTrain commented 1 year ago

The issue is that you can't load the preview of those buildings at all. So you don't know the size and where the hut block is going to be, which makes it very hard to use a temporary block like that

Talyda commented 1 year ago

Yeah, it's simply not possible to do that in a normal gameplay now. On the patreon server, in the tree colony I had to exit, go into a creative world, open the hospital preview, count blocks, make sure I remembered them (cos I am not clever enough to actually remember to write them down) THEN go back on the server, count blocks, leave my markers, and work on.

USED to be able to bring up the preview, make markers. Simple.

Really needs to be fixed

Thodor12 commented 1 year ago

Changed title/description a bit to reflect that we are looking to change the build tool to allow previews again, like what was possible before. The initially requested change is likely not going to happen.

Tygerial commented 1 year ago

While I find that to be a lesser solution, it works better than what we have now. Hope it makes it in!

Talyda commented 1 year ago

But we could place the hut blocks before too. There was just a message saying that you needed to do the research to build the building. Having the hut block placed also allows the previews to pop up when you are placing buildings around them. Basically want it to be like it was before the build tool change.

Thodor12 commented 1 year ago

But we could place the hut blocks before too. There was just a message saying that you needed to do the research to build the building. Having the hut block placed also allows the previews to pop up when you are placing buildings around them. Basically want it to be like it was before the build tool change.

That was through placing the hut block directly, which has never been a recommended solution. We've always recommend usage of the build tool over direct placement.

Talyda commented 1 year ago

No, I could always place the hut block with the tool. ...couldn't I? runs off to check now

MotionlessTrain commented 1 year ago

You could, indeed (Was just typing that 😄)

Talyda commented 1 year ago

image Yup! You get a message =)

Sorry, been having this discussion since the new tool started, and I started to doubt my memory =P

Tygerial commented 1 year ago

image Yup! You get a message =)

Sorry, been having this discussion since the new tool started, and I started to doubt my memory =P

So we know it WAS possible before, now we need either a way to do it now or a reason it isn't possible anymore.