ldtteam / minecolonies-features

This is a repo only to discuss minecolonies features (requested and planned)
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Changes to the "Uno reverse card" barbarian move #807

Open TBiscuit1 opened 6 months ago

TBiscuit1 commented 6 months ago



Is your feature request related to a problem?

The thorns uno reverse card effect that raiders have as a way to "nerf" overpowered weapon is cheap at best and unfairly punishing at worst

Imagine the context, someone is playing with Tinker Construct (or any other mod that allow for custom weapon) and has worked very hard for a weapon that can deal 16 damage (Manyullyn, quartz, blaze powder, you name it!), they decide to drink a strength II potion to deal with the raid quicker, big mistake

If they decide to crit the barbarian, they have a 1/5 chance of getting a massive thorn damage why? 16 * 1.5 + 6 = 30 (The min for the thorn effect to happen)

You see how such a little number can suddenly trigger the reverse damage effect? And that scenario isn't that much out there... as a Netherite Axe with Sharp 5 can deal 13 damage, you are 3 damage short from triggering the effect in Vanilla!

Enhancement or Change description

Here is a better way to deal with overpowered weapon : limit their power It would be much smarter to, instead of punishing the player from, you know, playing the game, to instead limit the amount of damage a barbarian can take in one hit so that you don't encounter a situation where you would die simply because you happen to deal 3 damage more then normal

For example, let's take the same scenario but with 18 damage, this time, the player would deal 33 damage, triggering the thorns What if, instead, the damage is capped at 30? That way, the player isn't punished for drinking the strength potion, but they won't get as much benefit from it as they would deal 30 instead of 33 Now with a weapon that deal damage in the 3 digits, they would also be capped at 30 damage! Making barbarians always something that guards should deal with and not you as your power is severely limited compared to normal (Tho maybe adding a little tip to tell the player about the damage cap if they reach it wouldn't be a bad idea either as it could lead to confusion otherwise)

This also opens up the possibility to add that value in the configs, if a modpack wants to spice things up, they can make barbarian only take 10 damage at most, or if a modpack has a mod like Scaling Health, they would increase the barbarian damage cap as barbarian will slowly increase in health overtime and it wouldn't be fun to deal with 300+ hp barbarian with 30 damage at a time when there is 160 of them

Notes or related things

Minecraft is a sandbox game, as so, should let the player do what they want how they want it, that includes playing mods as they want From the few times such anti-sandbox changes have been done to mess with the player, I'm looking at you GregTech, player just ditch the mod of straight up remake them minus the unfun part so please don't go that route and consider putting limits instead of punishing innocent players
