ldtteam / minecolonies-features

This is a repo only to discuss minecolonies features (requested and planned)
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Making fishers and nether miners more dynamic #811

Open DragonJak opened 6 months ago

DragonJak commented 6 months ago



Is your feature request related to a problem?

I'm always frustrated by the lack of compatibility these two jobs have with other mods. Specifically Aquaculture 2 and the fishing rod of misadventure from Corail tombstone for the fisher, and Mystical agriculture soulstone / soulium ore and Silent gear crimson iron.

Feature description

My thought was that the fisher could have a slot of their normal loot table set aside for rod specific drops. This way they'd have a small chance to pull from the loot table of the specific, non-vannila rod they're using. This feels reasonable because they are already capable of using said rods, just not pulling up any of the things associated with them.

You could have the chance to pull from the table increase with each hut level, and have it increase further with the university's treasure finding research. Though I think a cap of 1-2% would be reasonable given the value of some of these drops.

This would be a bit harder to do for the nether miner, I understand, as it's not simply a tool specific loot table, but perhaps a few hard coded treasures for each nether mod could be good. Again, you could have the miners only find these with a higher level hut to keep things fair, and keep the chance low.

Notes or related things

This all came to me while I was playing ATM9.

The nether miner suggestion came about because I was doing a challenge run where I tried to complete as many challenges and advancements as possible without leaving the overworld. Accessing things to progress in Mystical agriculture and Silent tools is impossible, in a way that most other nether and end resources aren't (outside of boss drops like dragon's breath, which hey, fair enough).

The fisher suggestion came because fishing is boring, and both Corail and Aquaculture have valuable fishing pickups that take actual, literal hours to get. So any kind of automation that isn't just an AFK farm (which doesn't even work super well with minecolonies in the early game because you'll get raided repeatedly) would be wonderful.


MotionlessTrain commented 6 months ago

The nether miner uses a loot table to determine the results from the trips. It is possible for modpacks to overwrite the loot table in a datapack, to include items from different mods in that modpack. Afaik you cannot add loot to a loottable for a mod that is not loaded, so hardcoding those loot items from a few nethermods within the minecolonies mod itself is not possible

DragonJak commented 6 months ago

That's reasonable. I don't actually know what hard coding means, as I assumed it would work for what I was going for.

Perhaps there's some other work around, but I don't know enough about code to say.