lduarte1991 / hxat

Contains the currently-in-development project by HarvardX to bring the annotation tool currently living in the edX platform to a more accessible LTI implementation.
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Temporary Private/Public Annotations #59

Open lduarte1991 opened 8 years ago

lduarte1991 commented 8 years ago

@arthurian Thought I would start a thread to talk about a front-end ui-only stopgap (and other hyphenated or merged words/phrases) for dealing with Private/Public Annotations. I'm assuming anonymous annotations would be needed as well? I'm assuming the goals are:

  1. Make sure that annotations that are "private" are hidden from the target.
  2. Make sure that annotations that are "private" are hidden from the dashboard.
  3. Make sure that both of the above happen when searching in the dashboard and when turning things on or off.
  4. A way for instructors to turn annotations (even private ones) anonymous.

Is the above correct? Is there anything I'm missing?

arthurian commented 8 years ago

@lduarte1991 Anonymous annotations aren't necessarily a requirement for us, although they would be nice to have. I could see that being a very useful feature, but it's not strictly needed by our clients this time around.

I'm not sure how flexible the permissions are in annotator as far as customizing what's presented to the user, but our goals expressed as user stories are the following:

  1. As a student, I want to be able to create a "public" annotation, so that anyone in the course can read and reply to it.
    • Permission: read: [all] or read: []
  2. As a student, I want to be able to create a "private" annotation so that only I can read it.
    • Permission: read: [self]
  3. As a student, I want to be able to create a "private" annotation that the teaching staff can view, so that I can get private feedback from the instructor.
    • Permission: read: [self, admins]

So that means that searching the dashboard or loading annotations from the Catch DB would honor the above requirements. Private annotations would be hidden from both the instructor dashboard (unless explicitly allowed) and from the target object dashboard which searches/displays annotations.

If (2) and (3) aren't both doable as far as degrees of privacy and we could only have one or the other, then our goal would be to have (3), since that's the primary motivation for implementing this functionality.

lduarte1991 commented 8 years ago

@arthurian Gotcha. Gernot mentioned that feature in the meeting today so I assumed it was. He made it sound like it was haha.

Just to tweak your use cases a bit, I think that the way it currently handles or should handle: read: [all] is equivalent to read:[] I'll see if I can come up with something next week to help out.

arthurian commented 8 years ago

@lduarte1991 Ohhh, you're right, Gernot has talked about anonymous annotations in previous meetings, although I couldn't make today's meeting. My understanding is that anonymous annotations are not essential to the intended use of private annotations this semester, although they would be very nice to have. I asked Shannon about it, and he agreed since Gernot has stressed private annotations to us much more so than anonymous annotations.

I believe you're right: read: [all] is currently handled as read: []. Thanks for all your help with this, by the way!