lduarte1991 / hxat

Contains the currently-in-development project by HarvardX to bring the annotation tool currently living in the edX platform to a more accessible LTI implementation.
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Video annotations #61

Closed lduarte1991 closed 8 years ago

lduarte1991 commented 8 years ago

This PR would bring the tool up to v1.2.0 with the addition of video annotations.

It contains quite a few changes to the video annotation tool as it existed in edX. Still following up on the design of the text and image tools, this adds one new element to the dashboard and contains the same screen-reader friendly navigation and structure.


  1. Video annotations added using Annotator, VideoJS and an assortment of plugins
  2. Added live transcript support. It syncs with the video and audio. A background highlights what section of the video is playing and likewise clicking on a particular line of the transcript will take you to the appropriate section of the video.
  3. Options in the Admin hub allow you to show/hide transcripts by default and allow/disable downloading mp4 versions of the video and the associated transcript (Hx users need this as those where Youtube is blocked or have slow internet speeds prefer to download from edX's cloudfront account rather than stream)
  4. Dashboard slider (overhanging square with arrow) has been removed and replaced with an option button in the navigation bar. Users can still stretch the dashboard by hovering near the left edge and dragging.
  5. Users can drag sliders to select a time in a video (when making an annotation) or they can input the time via text within the annotation editor.
  6. Added keyboard input to control the video (Following YouTube's lead with "j" being step back 5 seconds, "k" or "space" being play/pause, "l" being step forward 5 seconds and "m" being mute.
  7. Added way for them to access annotation list ("a") and statistics ("s" using keyboard).
  8. In the statistic page they can shift the filter sliders back and forth using keyboard input ("A" and "D" move start slider left or right and "J" and "L" move end slider left or right.
  9. edX issue only: In Studio, normally you get a 403 error page because edX refuses to send anonymous ids or even usernames via the LTI tool. There is a bit where a "preview" user is created during course creation. @arthurian if you'd like me to put this within an ORG if/then let me know.
arthurian commented 8 years ago

@lduarte1991 Very cool! Regarding point 9 - no need to put the preview user stuff in an ORG, since it shouldn't impact us at all. Canvas almost always provides either lis_person_name_full or lis_person_sourcedid so I imagine that case will only ever come up when you're running it in edX studio.


lduarte1991 commented 8 years ago

@arthurian Have you gotten a chance to check this out? Not sure if the thumbs up was an okay to merge or just for the code haha

arthurian commented 8 years ago

@lduarte1991 Good to merge!