< {"id":312,"date":"2021-10-15T12:00:25.000Z","guid":"https://www.thesixthaxis.com/?p=387637","link":"https://www.
ixthaxis.com/feed/","props":{"title":"What We Played #520 – Scarlet Nexus, Far Cry 6 and Metroid Dread","summary":
"Is it spooky game time yet?"},"tags":{"topic":"ENTERTAINMENT","locale":"en-US","topics":["Community News","Featur
ed Stories","Homepage Header","What We Played"],"category":"technology/gaming","classifiedCategory":"technology/ga
ixthaxis.com/feed/","props":{"title":"What We Played #520 ��� Scarlet Nexus, Far Cry 6 and Metroid Dread","summary
":"Is it spooky game time yet?"},"tags":{"topic":"ENTERTAINMENT","locale":"en-US","topics":["Community News","Feat
ured Stories","Homepage Header","What We Played"],"category":"technology/gaming","classifiedCategory":"technology/
Note the difference before Scarlet Nexus.
The issue doesn't seems to occur if only the row with id 312 is sorted, so it seems likely some Buffer accumulation issue? A possible work around may be to pipe the input to a line parser?
Test case:
:async function run() { const esortArgs = { input: fs.createReadStream('test.jsonl'), output: fs.createWriteStream('output.jsonl'), tempDir: __dirname, deserializer: JSON.parse, serializer: JSON.stringify, maxHeap: 100, } await esort.default(esortArgs).asc((x) => x.id) }
node test.js diff test.jsonl output.jsonl
< {"id":312,"date":"2021-10-15T12:00:25.000Z","guid":"https://www.thesixthaxis.com/?p=387637","link":"https://www. thesixthaxis.com/2021/10/15/what-we-played-520-scarlet-nexus-far-cry-6-and-metroid-dread/","feed":"http://www.thes ixthaxis.com/feed/","props":{"title":"What We Played #520 – Scarlet Nexus, Far Cry 6 and Metroid Dread","summary": "Is it spooky game time yet?"},"tags":{"topic":"ENTERTAINMENT","locale":"en-US","topics":["Community News","Featur ed Stories","Homepage Header","What We Played"],"category":"technology/gaming","classifiedCategory":"technology/ga ming"}}
Note the difference before
Scarlet Nexus
.The issue doesn't seems to occur if only the row with id
is sorted, so it seems likely some Buffer accumulation issue? A possible work around may be to pipe the input to a line parser?