leadbay / landingpage

leadbay waiting list landing page
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Branding / Formating feedback #32

Closed LudoGranger closed 1 year ago

LudoGranger commented 1 year ago
  1. blanc sur bleu ne fonctionne pas. Essayons 'right time' sur-ligné en violet, texte blanc
  2. bouton "join the waiting list doesn't work"
  3. lead machine, suppr le surligage
  4. screenshot -> item bar, respect next 3 features presented in the website, 1. website visits, 2. lead machine, 3 lists discovery, 4. Ai Scoring
  5. screenshot change item bar for -> wishlist = lists discovery / scoring -> change l'emoticone qui fait paramètre
  1. Screenshot, missing the "connect with your current database" / cherry pick, remove a check box in Alan for example to show that you chose.

1/ Change title for "Lists discovery, new highly qualified leads every week"

  1. change "Select and connect with new leads every week from your ecosystem. Our AI will carefully send you suggestions based on your traffic and likelihood prediction from your lead machine." FOR "Our AI will carefully send you suggestions based on your traffic and likelihood prediction from your internal ecosystem"
  2. screenshot -> change "Enrich: which list 1" for "Discovery weekly: Enriching"
  1. Title. Change "Close the right lead, at the right time with our AI system" FOR Set your own AI Scoring and spend only your time on leads that matter"
  2. Change "Set your scoring criteria and let our AI system collect signals from lead events and behaviors that will help you contact the right lead at the right time." FOR Set your scoring criteria and let your AI system chose for you, a lead to call now." @milstan
LudoGranger commented 1 year ago

Change Screenshot 2023-05-17 at 19 19 56

LudoGranger commented 1 year ago

For: Screenshot 2023-05-17 at 19 20 00

milstan commented 1 year ago

Merci @LudoGranger

* all text, avons-nous utilisé la police du pitch deck?

C'est compliqué - bootstrap utilise un ensemble de polices qui changent en fonction du device/navigateur pour rendre bien partout. C'est pas optimal de changer. Mieux vaut adapter le pitchdeck, ou alternativement que le designer donne un ensemble de polices pour replacer les ensembles de bootstrap.

2. bouton "join the waiting list doesn't work"

Il marche pour moi. Quelle navigateur/device tu utilises? (cf. guidelines pour donner detaills)

OK pour le reste

milstan commented 1 year ago


1/ Change title for "Lists discovery, new highly qualified leads every week"

J'ai changé, mais IMHO c'est pas vriament mieux. "Discover highly qualified leads every week" was:

Ce que je veux dire en fait, je ne comprends pas pourquoi tu voulais changer.

  1. screenshot -> change "Enrich: which list 1" for "Discovery weekly: Enriching"

Same here. Not sure "discovery weekly" sound good in english. Also not sure why it's good to say that it is weekly. Maybe they can discover new list every day, or few times a day, or just whenever they want. I initially ommitted it in order to stick with the minimalist principle (trying not to open new questions like "why weekly"). I'd like to understand why you think including "weekly" is better?

Change "Set your scoring criteria and let our AI system collect signals from lead events and behaviors that will help you contact the right lead at the right time." FOR Set your scoring criteria and let your AI system chose for you, a lead to call now."

Here I did not change. I really think it's not a good idea to say that our system will "choose for them". It's a basic interaction design principle that the user wants control. Also from experience, people shy away from AI systems choosing for them. It's also not what we do. We'll give them ways to configure how the system scores. They keep the control. Our system gives them smart clues, events and parameters (lead behaviors) to use to fine tune their scoring. It's a tool for scoring, not a black box scoring for them. That is what I wanted to say in the text.

I'm open to changing it if you're convinved it's the argument you need here.

screenshot -> item bar, respect next 3 features presented in the website, 1. website visits, 2. lead machine, 3 lists discovery, 4. Ai Scoring screenshot change item bar for -> wishlist = lists discovery / scoring -> change l'emoticone qui fait paramètre

Ici je ne suis pas sûr que c'est une bonne idée. On peu essayer de le rendre coherent avec les mots de la value prop, mais ce n'est vraiment pas la même chose. C'est une interface utilisateur ici. On veut clairement des titres courts "whislist" plutout que "lists discovery". On cherche aussi à créer des concepts qui associent des parties d'interface à des objets ("affordances" de Don Norman), eg. on appel "Inbox" plutot que "Mails reçus"... Même "Website Visits" est mauvais, mais allez c'est un point important de montrer que c'est Website donc je laisse.

Je ne sais pas si ce seraient des titre definitifs, mais pour l'instant je préfère qu'ils resemblent au moins par principe à des titres d'élements d'interface même s'ils different du language du site, qui lui parle des fonctionalités (pas besoin que ce soit le même language IMHO).

Pour les emoticons - j'ai une liste limité dans le design system figma open source que j'utilise. A changer plus tard.

Ne le prends pas mail tout ces point de "désacord" - c'est simplement la manière comment on fait en produit/tech. On essaye de faire des choix informés au max possible.

Le reste est modifié. Si tu est content, fermes le issue, sinon, dit ce que tu veux encore modifier (et pour le bouton qui marche pas où est ce que cela t'arrive).

LudoGranger commented 1 year ago

1/ Change title for "Lists discovery, new highly qualified leads every week"

J'ai changé, mais IMHO c'est pas vriament mieux. "Discover highly qualified leads every week" was:

shorter more to the point "discovery" & "new" is redundant, of course they are new if you are discovering them more active "discover" (verb) vs. "List discovery" (noun) Ce que je veux dire en fait, je ne comprends pas pourquoi tu voulais changer.

Je veux "productiser" comme spotify avec "Discover weekly". Je suis d'accord avec toi. La phrase n'est pas top. Il y a une typo dans "Lists discovery new, highly qualified leads every week" FOR "Lists discovery, new highly qualified leads every week" Discutons en jeudi du discovery weekly. Tout le reste est bon

milstan commented 1 year ago

@LudoGranger changed the typo. I am closing the issue. Agree it can be better and it is also good enough, so for the moment we go on with it as is.