leadscales / insomniaHUD

Custom HUD for Team Fortress 2 designed for long play sessions.
41 stars 5 forks source link

Add killstreak compatibility to WinPanel #11

Open Lite0 opened 1 year ago

Lite0 commented 1 year ago

ive always been a fan of knowing who got the highest killstreak in a match as im sure a decent amount of people do as well. this adds back the killstreak panel in a semi-decent way add killstreak on winpanel


        "ControlName"                               "EditablePanel"
        "fieldName"                                 "KillStreakBG"
        "xpos"                                      "0"
        "ypos"                                      "-1"
        "wide"                                      "180"
        "tall"                                      "21"
        "border"                                    "FLAT_Black_1"

        "pin_to_sibling"                            "ScoresBG"
        "pin_corner_to_sibling"                     "PIN_BOTTOMLEFT"
        "pin_to_sibling_corner"                     "PIN_TOPLEFT"
        "ControlName"                               "CExLabel"
        "fieldName"                                 "KillStreakPlayer1Score"
        "font"                                      "regular14"
        "xpos"                                      "0"
        "ypos"                                      "0"
        "zpos"                                      "3"
        "wide"                                      "40"
        "tall"                                      "20"
        "visible"                                   "1"
        "enabled"                                   "1"
        "labelText"                                 ""
        "textAlignment"                             "center"

        "border"                                    "FLAT_Black_3"

        "pin_to_sibling"                            "KillStreakPlayer1Name"
        "pin_corner_to_sibling"                     "PIN_TOPLEFT"
        "pin_to_sibling_corner"                     "PIN_TOPRIGHT"
        "ControlName"                               "CAvatarImagePanel"
        "fieldName"                                 "KillStreakPlayer1Avatar"
        "xpos"                                      "9999"
        "ControlName"                               "CExLabel"
        "fieldName"                                 "KillStreakIcon"
        "xpos"                                      "0"
        "ypos"                                      "0"
        "zpos"                                      "4"
        "wide"                                      "20"
        "tall"                                      "20"
        "visible"                                   "1"
        "enabled"                                   "1"
        "proportionaltoparent"                      "1"
        "labelText"                                 "*"
        "textAlignment"                             "center"
        "font"                                      "iconsMedium"
        "fgcolor"                                   "AccentMain"

        "pin_to_sibling"                            "KillStreakPlayer1Name"
        "pin_corner_to_sibling"                     "PIN_TOPLEFT"
        "pin_to_sibling_corner"                     "PIN_TOPLEFT"
        "ControlName"                               "CExLabel"
        "fieldName"                                 "KillStreakPlayer1Name"
        "font"                                      "regular14"
        "xpos"                                      "0"
        "ypos"                                      "0"
        "zpos"                                      "3"
        "wide"                                      "140"
        "tall"                                      "20"
        "visible"                                   "1"
        "enabled"                                   "1"
        "labelText"                                 ""
        "textAlignment"                             "west"
        "textinsetx"                                "45"
        "useproportionalinsets"                     "1"
        "border"                                    "FLAT_Black_2"

        "pin_to_sibling"                            "KillStreakBG"
        "pin_corner_to_sibling"                     "PIN_TOPLEFT"
        "pin_to_sibling_corner"                     "PIN_TOPLEFT"
leadscales commented 1 year ago

Yeah the scores panel is pretty lame right now, and it's getting redone soon, alongside the arena scores. I'll update this issue once it is completed.