As a user of the Azure cloud platform
I want to have StudioML and Go runner use Azure native queues and storage
In order that scaling objectives can be met for Azure deployments
RabbitMQ and Minio work to 110-150 machines but dont scale well above that unless clustering is used at which point it would be better to have the cloud native implementation from the cloud provider.
This requirement is gated on our desire to have large scale Azure deployments which is not yet a clear priority but might be at some point.
As a user of the Azure cloud platform I want to have StudioML and Go runner use Azure native queues and storage In order that scaling objectives can be met for Azure deployments
RabbitMQ and Minio work to 110-150 machines but dont scale well above that unless clustering is used at which point it would be better to have the cloud native implementation from the cloud provider.
This requirement is gated on our desire to have large scale Azure deployments which is not yet a clear priority but might be at some point.