leafOfTree / vim-matchtag

Highlight matching tags in any files such as html, xml, js, jsx, vue, svelte.
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highlight works in JSX but not in TSX #10

Open sandrodz opened 1 year ago

sandrodz commented 1 year ago

Hi, have trouble making this work for *.tsx

leafOfTree commented 1 year ago

Hi, does it not work for all *.tsx files? If so and your g:vim_matchtag_files contains *.tsx, then I wonder if your tsx plugin conflicts with this plugin. It will skip matching tags based on syntax name

    let g:vim_matchtag_skip = 'javascript\|css\|script\|style'
    let g:vim_matchtag_skip_except = 'html\|template'

Can you share your tsx plugin for me to check?

sandrodz commented 1 year ago

@leafOfTree thanks for looking into my issue ^^

I've this config:

"" vim-matchtag

let g:vim_matchtag_enable_by_default = 1
let g:vim_matchtag_files = '*.html,*.xml,*.js,*.jsx,*.tsx'

"" Ultisnips | Snippets

" coc wants javascriptreact and typescriptreact, the others are to support
" honza/vim-snippets snippets
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.jsx setlocal filetype=javascriptreact.javascript.javascript-react.javascript_react
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.tsx setlocal filetype=typescriptreact.javascript.typescript.javascriptreact.javascript-react.javascript_react

"" COC

let g:coc_global_extensions = [
      \ 'coc-ultisnips',
      \ 'coc-json',
      \ 'coc-html',
      \ 'coc-css',
      \ 'coc-phpls',
      \ 'coc-diagnostic',
      \ 'coc-eslint',
      \ 'coc-prettier',
      \ 'coc-tsserver',
      \ 'coc-flutter',
      \ 'coc-rust-analyzer',
      \ 'coc-yaml',
      \ ]

let g:coc_filetype_map = {
      \ '': 'html',
      \ 'javascriptreact.javascript.javascript-react.javascript_react': 'javascriptreact',
      \ 'typescriptreact.javascript.typescript.javascriptreact.javascript-react.javascript_react': 'typescriptreact'
      \ }