leafOfTree / vim-vue-plugin

Vim syntax and indent plugin for .vue files
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"%" key does not work on html/vue tags. #8

Closed roket1428 closed 5 years ago

roket1428 commented 5 years ago

% key has to jump between tags by default in html/vue tags. (cursor is []. So, [m] means cursor on the "m" char.)

Expected when pressing %:

<te[m]plate>                           <template>
  <vue-tag>                               <vue-tag>
    Dummy data        ===>                  Dummy data
  </vue-tag>                              </vue-tag>
</template>                             <[/]template>

But it doesn't do anything. If you don't know what % does (I'm pretty sure you do) check it out with :h % in vim

You could check expected behavior with a normal html file.

leafOfTree commented 5 years ago

Thank you for reminding me of the useful % command. Its config is added and can be used for tags now.

roket1428 commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot man...