leafac / kill-the-newsletter

Convert email newsletters into Atom feeds
MIT License
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Docker container crashes #103

Open Green-Kite opened 1 month ago

Green-Kite commented 1 month ago

First of all @leafac thank you for this great piece of work!

I've been using the hosted service for a few weeks but since I'm selfhosting most services I tried to deploy the docker container as well. I can reach the frontend and creating and subscribing to new feeds works well.

But I can't get the Mailserver part working. Every time I'm sending a mail to KtN the docker container crashes and restarts. This is the log:

2024/05/26 17:35:14 (Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
2024/05/26 17:35:14 (node:19) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
2024/05/26 17:35:04     at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:478:21)
2024/05/26 17:35:04     at Immediate.<anonymous> (/kill-the-newsletter/node_modules/smtp-server/lib/smtp-server.js:364:39)
2024/05/26 17:35:04     at /kill-the-newsletter/node_modules/smtp-server/lib/smtp-server.js:100:26
2024/05/26 17:35:04     at SMTPServer.connect (/kill-the-newsletter/node_modules/smtp-server/lib/smtp-server.js:112:26)
2024/05/26 17:35:04     at new SMTPConnection (/kill-the-newsletter/node_modules/smtp-server/lib/smtp-connection.js:55:24)
2024/05/26 17:35:04     at new SMTPStream (/kill-the-newsletter/node_modules/smtp-server/lib/smtp-stream.js:34:21)
2024/05/26 17:35:04 TypeError: Cannot set property closed of #<Writable> which has only a getter
2024/05/26 17:35:04                     ^
2024/05/26 17:35:04         this.closed = false;
2024/05/26 17:35:04 /kill-the-newsletter/node_modules/smtp-server/lib/smtp-stream.js:34
jtagcat commented 1 month ago

While I wish there was, there is no support for Docker. This is an issue in the wrong place. Find the third party providing your deployment components.

Edit: The Dockerfile is usually part of the repo/project itself (with docker-compose.yml being a nice example addition).

leafac commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @Green-Kite,

Thanks for reaching out.

Even though @jtagcat is right in that I don’t use Docker myself, as far as I understand Kill the Newsletter! should work in Docker.

Can you please share more about your setup, for example, your Dockerfiles and Docker Compose configuration (if any)?

The problem seems to be coming from inside the SMTP Server library that we use in Kill the Newsletter!, so I may or may not be able to help, but I can try 🤗