leaflabs / libmaple

[INACTIVE] C and C++ library for STM32 ARM Cortex-M3 development boards.
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Adding support for cm900 and opencm904 boards (robotis) #85

Closed Gregwar closed 10 years ago

Gregwar commented 10 years ago

This adds support for the following boards:

Everything was not tested

I must warn that the boards-specific code come from the ROBOTIS IDE (https://github.com/robotis-pandora/ROBOTIS-OpenCM), which uses a mod of the libmaple, and was changed to fit with the full original libmaple, so we may have to check for licence issues

Gregwar commented 10 years ago

I've tried it, using a small port of the bootloader (https://github.com/Gregwar/maple-bootloader-robotis) on the CM900 and it works great, the CDC ACM communication seems also OK

Gregwar commented 10 years ago

One more comment, dealing with the Dynamixel bus require switching a direction pin and remapping the AFIO of USART1, since it's internally routed to PB6 & PB7. We could also add some small third-party libraries to deal with that.

Gregwar commented 10 years ago

I removed the redundant defines in c49c42e57fc8f59a2e6ca5ff1c4680300751c9d6