leafo / gh-actions-lua

GitHub action for Lua/LuaJIT
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Allow specifying install path #15

Open TheCycoONE opened 3 years ago

TheCycoONE commented 3 years ago

I would like to use the resulting lua libraries in a CMake project. Right now this appears to install in whatever the current working directory is, which cannot be set for a uses action. It's actually ending up in the checkout path for my repo which is causing other issues for my file formatting scans.

It would be nice to either provide the directory e.g. with: installPath=${MY_PATH} or to expose the install path somehow to the parent action.

TheCycoONE commented 3 years ago

I attempted to work around by putting these actions before - uses: actions/checkout@v2 When I did that, lua and luarocks were not in the path at all.

alerque commented 3 years ago

Just use a - run: step after running this and use shell commands to move or copy the files you want wherever you want them. You'll have to set any related path variables yourself, but you can put stuff wherever you like.

daurnimator commented 3 years ago

I too would like this as a feature: as-is, luacheck . in my repo picks up the entire .install directory.

alerque commented 3 years ago

Hence why all my projects have .luacheckrc files with exclude_files = { ".install" } (along with a few other CI induced ignores).

Come to think of it, the default path should probably be somewhere in the runner's home directory and not in the project Git workspace at all.

im-mortal commented 3 years ago

I feel like the default should really be a folder outside of github.workspace, along with an ability to specify install path. After performing leafo/gh-actions-lua and leafo/gh-actions-luarocks actions, running luarocks write_rockspec in a checked out repository results in a rockspec file that includes all the lua files from auxiliary folders aforementioned actions rely on (most notably .lua and .luarocks), which is clearly unintended behavior. https://github.com/leafo/gh-actions-luarocks could use these improvements, too.

Miqueas commented 3 years ago

Yeah, I think will be great allow to set the installation path