leafo / sticky-kit

A jQuery plugin for creating smart sticky elements
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Sticky element disappears when it becomes stuck (Solved) #244

Open japick opened 7 years ago

japick commented 7 years ago

Just a quick heads-up for anyone who has had this issue.

In my case, this was caused by the parent element having a CSS transform property set on it. Once this was removed, all worked fine.

carasmo commented 7 years ago

Please close this.

japick commented 7 years ago

@carasmo For what reason?

carasmo commented 7 years ago

Because it was solved. This helps others when searching.

techyogi7 commented 6 years ago

Same issue for me too, As i don't have any CSS transform property set to the parent element.

But I can see it's not disappear but goes all the way to top main container, and that's the reason it feels like disappeared.

That would be great if someone can help with that.

Dihgg commented 6 years ago

@techyogi7 this is happening to me too

gzmichael84 commented 6 years ago

Same here. No disappear but goes top. any solution?

Namstel commented 5 years ago

Still encountering this issue. Parent element does not have the transform property attached to it.

EDIT: I found this issue with a possible solution: https://github.com/leafo/sticky-kit/issues/169

My sticky element has the .stickyme class.

So I added some CSS: .stickyme { position: static; }