leafreynolds / cosmere

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[Surgebinding] Shardblades unique to player #103

Open leafreynolds opened 4 months ago

leafreynolds commented 4 months ago

I would like living shardblades to be unique to the player. This could be unique on a per-save basis, or you get the same designs across all saves. Things to consider that could change the design:

Visuals that could change:

Stats changing was also suggested, but may be more difficult compared to changing the model designs.

MoonlitJolteon commented 4 months ago

In way of kings prime, the shard blades shifted to match the wielder, if you were to lose your bond to one and then bond a new one, it would shift to match and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the two. While WOK prime isn't Canon, I do like the idea of a similar mechanism if it is not too difficult and feels it could work.

R0b0r0b commented 4 months ago

My thinking is it might be easiest for the Shardblade design to be the same across all saves

X66Herobrine66X commented 3 months ago

I'd really rather not have the same shardblade design across all my saves unless I was also able to customize it to whatever I wanted. What if I got a really bad design, or just one that I personally don't like? I do really like the idea of procedural generated shardblades, but only if it meant you got to customize all the model parts.

My idea is to have a typical procedural algorithm in the mod that determines a players 'default' sword, also tied to their UUID, and then allow players to customize their sword per world. The design they choose would be saved locally rather than on a remote server.

As for stat changing... I don't need to tell you my thoughts on RNG based per player advantages.

leafreynolds commented 3 months ago

Hi. You have misunderstood a couple things.

A living blade is already able to transform. It won’t be a big deal to have it look different. But this is the default look of the Spren as a blade, which you did figure out. But having a set look on any dead shardblades is important to me.

You’re also putting too much emphasis on any supposed advantages that a given design might have. I was thinking the difference between a vanilla axe and a vanilla sword. Different swing speeds and damage, but comparable and not really better dps over each other.


X66Herobrine66X commented 3 months ago

Ah I understand. Carry on then.