leamas / ddupdate

Update DNS Data for Dynamic IP Addresses
MIT License
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RFE: Support for multiple records in configuration #25

Closed mmannerm closed 2 years ago

mmannerm commented 5 years ago

As per #24, I would in addition suggest to moving YAML configurations, as there is need to support multiple record updates for multiple hostnames or even for same host, but for both IPv4 and IPv6, which may require using two different address plugins.

For backwards compatibility reasons, old configs should be supported, but new configuration format should be preferred if available. Alternatively if YAML is not to liking, and configparser still needs to be used, better parsing logic on embedded maps is required, and support for multiple sections, and each section should be run separately.

leamas commented 5 years ago

I hesitate to pull in the YAML dependency, although it's certainly possible. If yaml was supported by core python it would be a no-brainer.

Using different setups for multiple hosts could be handled using separate config files (and separate systemd setups). Adding new sections, each of which corresponding to a separate setup might be possible, and is an interesting possibility.

jdfalk commented 4 years ago

How would I go about handling multiple domains for a plugin like google domains? it requires a different user/pass for every dns name.

leamas commented 4 years ago

Hi... long time, no see

Basically, I know too little to say something specific. That said, it is possible to start several services. The steps (out of the top of my head).

Then you can add a new service, and after that possibly repeat the procedure above.

I didn't say this was stream-lined, did I?

leamas commented 2 years ago

Pushed some commits in which makes it possible to have multiple configuration sections for different services/hosts. See the last part of CONFIGURATION.md

I have no plans to support this "multi-host" configuration in ddupdate-config. This is s simple tool and should stay that way. The more complex case with multiple hosts is best handled by manually editing the config files. However, decent documentation should make this easier.

leamas commented 2 years ago

Fixed in 26af4f2, e189bba, c908ac7 and what not. Closing